JOKARI Firmengründer Josef Krampe

Sustainability and environmental awareness at JOKARI

There is a lot of talk about environmental protection and sustainability. The visit of one of our customers from Japan showed us that many are not aware of the efforts and measures that JOKARI is taking in this area. We have taken this as an opportunity to prepare the topic for you in a blog article.

Our answer to the customer’s question about sustainability and what concrete efforts are being made in this area at JOKARI caused great surprise. Most customers believe that environmental protection is not on the forefront of most companies’ agendas. At JOKARI, this is just as important to us, as it was to our founder Josef Krampe who created this infrastructure more than 50 years ago!

JOKARI company founder Josef Krampe
JOKARI company founder Josef Krampe.

Sustainability and environmental awareness at JOKARI: A look at the history

In the 1980s, the plastic injection moulding plant was built by JOKARI. For this purpose, a new hall was built and a large water tank was installed under the hall. This can be thought of as an underground pool. The water of this pool was used to cool the plastic spraying machines. This was not enough for our company founder Josef Krampe, he also wanted to make effective use of the waste heat generated in this way. For example, he connected the company’s heating system and that of his adjacent residential building to this water basin and was thus able to make good use of the waste heat for heating.
We know from stories told by colleagues at the time that from that point on, at least one of the plastic injection machines had to be in operation, even on Christmas holidays. “Otherwise it would have been cold at grandpa’s at Christmas,” his granddaughter and current managing partner Andrea Bünnigmann tells us with a smile. Today she lives in this house herself, but the facilities are now separate. However, the waste heat continues to be used in the company to this day.

Environmentally friendly energy management

To this day, we continue to use the energy generated wherever possible and try to reduce the negative sources of emissions generated and released by us. Thanks to 16 deep boreholes under the new production hall built in 2004, the entire production and office space is heated in an environmentally friendly way by means of heat pumps in winter and cooled in summer. Thus, this modern technology was implemented at JOKARI very early on. A significant proportion of electricity production is generated by solar energy.

Sustainable packaging

When it comes to product packaging, the topics of environmental protection and sustainability play an important role. In principle, JOKARI is affiliated with the dual system Germany “Der Grüne Punkt”, which means that the recycling concept is already anchored in the company. For the packaging of the JOKARI products themselves, we wanted a solution that had a high recycling content and ability as well as reusability of the materials. Our clamshell blisters are made of 100 percent recyclate, which is largely made from recycled PET bottles. Our paper inserts are also made of FSC-certified material.

JOKARI sustainability and packaging
The packaging of JOKARI wire stripping tools is made from sustainable materials.

100% Made in Germany

To this day, JOKARI produces 100 percent of its wire stripping tools at the company’s site in Ascheberg-Herbern, Westphalia. This ensures short transport routes. In addition, the raw material suppliers are located in Germany whenever possible, or at least in Europe.
An important lever in the area of sustainability for us at JOKARI is also the production of high-quality products, which are in use for many years. We have the highest standards in terms of workmanship and material. In addition, almost all JOKARI products can be replaced easily and quickly to minimize waste.

You might also be interested in: “Tools 100% Made in Germany: JOKARI wire stripping solutions

To the author Susanne Noll